Sitemap - 2024 - Statistical insights on the arts

Revenues, direct impact on GDP, and jobs in the visual arts in 2023

Canada's arts economy in 2023: A broad view

Prince Edward County (Ontario) has one of the highest concentrations of professional artists among Canadian municipalities

Canada's cultural economy in 2023: A broad view

Statistical profile of artists in B.C.’s Regional District of Kootenay Boundary

Inflation: Still the top obstacle for organizations and businesses in the arts, heritage, and entertainment in Canada

Significant variations in the incomes of immigrant artists by province

Provincial analysis of the representation of immigrants among professional artists, arts leaders, and all cultural workers

Relatively low incomes for artists and other cultural workers who are immigrants to Canada

Are immigrants to Canada well represented among professional artists, arts leaders, and all cultural workers?

Arts, culture, and heritage organizations are much smaller than other types of not-for-profit organizations

Wide variation in the urban and rural proportions of not-for-profit organizations in the arts, culture, and heritage between the provinces and territories

Rural areas and small towns have a higher percentage of arts, culture, and heritage organizations than their population share

Huge differences in the changes in cultural jobs between the provinces and territories

Province-by-province growth or decline in cultural economies (including an analysis of the territories)

Representation of equity-deserving groups in the arts and culture

Severe affordability challenges for cultural workers in Canada

“Culture is made to share”

How are Canada’s artists doing?

Are there more professional artists in Canada now than 30 years ago?

Fundraising successes and challenges, statistically speaking, in the arts and culture

The donor pool is getting smaller: Decrease in charitable donors both recently and over the longer term

Which large cities and small municipalities have the best (statistical) conditions for artists?

2,600 cultural workers in PEI, including more than 600 professional artists

In which large cities are artists’ incomes highest?

Economic impact of English-language arts, culture, and heritage in Quebec in 2021

Highly artistic municipalities in Canada

Most Ottawa artists earn less than a living wage, despite very high education levels

Artists in rural areas and small towns in each Canadian province

One in every five professional artists in Canada resides in a rural area or a small town

Impacts and challenges of cultural venues in New Brunswick: Key findings of a recent survey

Artists, artists everywhere? New and existing census analysis

Statistical profile of the 20,900 professional artists on the Island of Montreal

Select stats and sources about the working conditions of artists, cultural workers, and other Canadians

Loving the leap? Survey of artists and other cultural workers

Different trends in each province re: multiple job holding in the arts and culture

Statistical profile of the 2,800 professional artists in Mississauga

Multiple job holding in the arts and culture has steadily increased since the pandemic

The City of Victoria is home to 1,300 professional artists

Economic impact of the French-Canadian cultural community in 2021

3,200 professional artists in Hamilton in 2021

Very high concentration of artists in the labour force in the District of Sechelt, British Columbia