Changes in the international trade of arts and culture goods and services between 2010 and 2022
Analysis of trends in national and provincial data
Canada had a significant deficit in cultural trade in 2022, the most recent year available. How has the deficit changed over time? What about the deficit or surplus for an imperfect but reasonable approximation of the arts? Which provinces have had cultural surpluses since 2010? These are the key questions examined in today’s post.
This is the third and final post in a series related to Statistics Canada’s dataset on cultural exports and imports. The other posts contained analyses of the most recent data for Canada and the provinces.
In the post, I focus on trends in the surpluses or deficits for cultural trade in Canada and each province. Cultural trade is calculated as cultural exports minus cultural imports. I also examine national trends on the trade surpluses or deficits for arts-specific goods and services.
Important note: The trade statistics in this article have been adjusted for inflation.