Arts, heritage, and entertainment organizations rely more commonly on volunteers than any other industry sector
Reliance on volunteers in the arts, heritage, and entertainment varies between smaller and larger provinces
Most not-for-profit organizations, including those in the arts, heritage, and entertainment, rely on volunteers to help achieve their goals.
What is noteworthy about new data on volunteers by industry sector is the degree of reliance on volunteers in the arts, heritage, and entertainment compared with other sectors that also have many not-for-profit organizations. Differences in volunteerism within between the provinces are also interesting, as are insights into challenges related to volunteer recruitment and retention.
Today’s post shows that the arts, heritage, and entertainment rely more commonly on volunteers than any other industry sector. Many organizations in the arts, heritage, and entertainment report challenges in recruiting new volunteers. Provincial analysis shows that reliance on volunteers in the arts, heritage, and entertainment varies between smaller and larger provinces.